Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Beginning

Hello Everyone!
I wanted to start this blog to record my life as a newlywed. I have really failed at journal keeping and want Jaron and my story to be written down somewhere. I will be starting from the very beginning on how we met.

After I graduated I began to attend the singles ward. I was very excited to get out of my home ward and explore the world. I was not looking to date anybody because I was preparing to attend college and to begin dating all those college boys, that was until Sacrament meeting last July. There I was minding my own business when the Bishop called me out in front of everyone on the pulpit and asked if I was going to go to the Softball game. Of course, I was not planning on it since I do not play sports. I decided with some push from a friend who promised she would go with me that I would go. Plus, the entire ward saw me say yes in the chapel to our Bishop.

When I arrived on the fields I was extremely nervous because I had never played before. Our team leader put me in the out-field and luckily someone who played softball a lot and was extremely good at Softball was placed right next to me! We introduced ourselves and I found out his name is Jaron. I thought he was extremely good looking and so I flirted with him hoping to catch his attention. We really hit it off and when we were switching to in-field we attempted to do a running high-five, and completely missed! I spent most of the night staring at him and trying to find out more information from some of the other girls in the ward. After we "epically" lost the game we went our separate ways.

I remember going home and telling my mom that I had a great time and told her that I had met someone. She just rolled her eyes and said, "of course" because I am such a flirt. Two days later there was a Pioneer Day celebration and I thought for sure Jaron was going to be there. I did my hair and got all cute and he never showed up! After a huge disappointment I decided if we ran into each other again then fine, but I needed to stop hoping.

Luckily, we did run into each other again at Institute and we were paired up together as partners in one of the scripture activities.  We always went to Rupes after words to have ice-cream and so I sat by Jaron and he shared his fries with me. That is when we took our first picture together! I told him I was just going to Snapchat my best friend Lauren but secretly I took a screen shot of it so I could show my mom how cute he is!

 There was a movie that weekend for the YSA ward but I couldn't go because I was getting my wisdom teeth out. I told him he had to bring me some ice cream though. He asked for my number and we started texting that night and never stopped. (He never ended up bringing me that ice cream but that's okay I forgive him)!

I defiantly can see our Heavenly Father's hand in how we met. Seeing how our Bishop followed a prompting and called my name to go to the Softball game, then being paired up at the fields, and becoming institute partners that night. All the pieces seem to fit perfectly together and I am so grateful that He brought Jaron into my life!


  1. I love this! Thank you for sharing with us! I am so glad you are part of our family!

    1. Thanks Tracie! I love being apart of the family! I couldn't have asked for a better one to marry into

  2. Love that your finally blogging. You know how happy I am when I can blog stalk.

  3. I love it Autumn! You need to heck mine out to!

    1. Thanks Kasi! I defiantly will, I actually went to school with your boyfriend so I know him!

  4. Very fun! I can't believe the bishop called you out from the pulpit. That was rude - but I'm glad it worked out. You need to make your pictures x-large!! I'd also increase the size of your font - for easier reading for old people like me. the florescent blue is quite hard to see too. I know these are your colors, but you have to make it user friendly. I'm excited you are writing your story now so that you can include everything as your life goes forward. You will be amazed at when you look back and say "Oh, I totally forgot about that". Love it!
